Exhibit open until May 15, 2023
J.F. Hartranft
and the Schwenkfelder Experience in the Civil War
Learn about Medal of Honor recipient John Frederick Hartranft’s role in the Civil War and the experiences of other Schwenkfelder descendants and Perkiomen Valley residents who served. Post-war, Hartranft was the special provost marshal of Washington and warden of the Washington Arsenal holding the Lincoln assassination conspirators as well as governor of Pennsylvania. Exhibit is available during museum open hours with FREE admission. Thanks to The Gladys Kriebel Delmas Foundation of New York for its support of the exhibit and programs.
Exhibit opening 10:00 AM Saturday, September 24—all welcome!
Hartranft Family Homecoming
We invite all descendants of Schwenkfelder immigrant Tobias Hartranft to join us on September 24 for a special family reunion
Contact info@schwenkfelder.org for more information
“Imprisonment, Trial, and Execution on the Lincoln Conspirators–an Overview”
Living history with Mark Grim–Saturday, September 24, 2:00 pm
Children’s Workshops
Six-part series—come for one or all—to explore various jobs of General/Governor Hartranft starting September 7 through November 22
Contact Meredith Reinhart at meredith@schwenkfelder.org for information or to register
John F. Hartranft’s Masonic Connections
Lecture with historian Craig Bird–Sunday, October 30, 2:00 pm (Exile Society meeting)
Fall Day at the Historic Montgomery Cemetery
See Hartranft’s grave and partake in many activities and performances– Saturday, October 29, 10 am to 5 pm
Governing in an Era of Crisis, Corruption, and Calumny Brow
Lecture with archivist Hunt Schenkel—Wednesday, November 9, noon
Civil War Writings of the Pennsylvania Dutch
Dr. Josh Brown examines soldier letters–Friday, November 18, 6–8 pm Register here for optional dinner food during program.
Mennonite and Schwenkfelder Response to Military Participation in the Revolutionary though the Civil War by Joel Nofziger, Allen Viehmeyer, and Hunt Schenkel
Panel discussion–Wednesday, February 8, 2023. noon–1 pm
Dancing Like Hartranft:
Demonstration by The Civil War Dance Foundation–Sunday, April 16, 2023, 2:00 pm
The Lincoln Assassination Conspirators: Their Confinement and Execution, As Recorded in the Letterbook of John Frederick Hartranft
Book talk with editor Harold Holzer–Sunday, April 30, 2023, 2:00 pm
Early bird special for tickets—$8 through February 28, 2023. Register here.
Make it stand out
Schwenkfelder soldiers (including Schwenkfelder descendants) who lost their lives in the Civil War
The main source for this information was Samuel Brecht’s 1923 Genealogical Record, but information also was found on Find a Grave, Ancestry, the National Park Service’s Civil War database, and published regimental histories. Each soldier’s immigrant Schwenkfelder ancestor and their immigrant number are listed here as well as where he lost his life. A number of their memorials can be found on Find a Grave. If anyone knows of others who could be added to this list, please contact Hunt Schenkel, Archivist to have the information added.
*Special thanks for this post go to the Historical Society of Montgomery County in Norristown for allowing us to use its broadside image of the 51st PA Inf. Reg. killed and wounded at the Battle of Fredericksburg in December 1862. Two of the names on the list, Benjamin Kemmerer and George Kriebel (misspelled, Kriebler), were Schwenkfelders. The 51st was also commanded by future Medal-of-Honor recipient and 17th Governor of Pennsylvania, John Frederick Hartranft, a Schwenkfelder descendant of Tobias Hartranft [E 49]. Hunt Schenkel, Archivist and Librarian
John Beyer, 1842-1865
Descendant of Abraham Beyer [E 184]
90th PA Inf. Reg.
Died in Confederate Prison at Salisbury (North Carolina)
Henry S. Boyer, January 31, 1841-June 20, 1862
Descendant of Abraham Beyer [E 184]
Private, Co. G, 53rd PA Inf. Reg.
Died from wounds at the Battle of Fair Oaks (Virginia)
Isaac S. Boyer, 1830-May 16, 1863
Descendant of Abraham Beyer [E 184]
Private, Co. D, 24th IA Inf. Reg.
Killed, Siege of Vicksburg (Mississippi)
John Henry Dettor, March 12, 1835-April 1, 1865
Descendant of George Schultz [E 7]
Captain, Co. F, 10th VA Cav. Reg., CSA
Killed, Battle of Five Forks (Virginia)
Addison Kaiser Geho, July 1839-October 19, 1864
Descendant of David Yeakel [E 38]
Private, Co. F, 47th PA inf. Reg.
Killed, Battle of Cedar Creek (Virginia)
Ezra J. Hartronft (Hartranft; or, Hartromft, on Find a Grave), 1836-June 13, 1863
Descendant of Tobias Hartranft [E 49]
Private, Co. E, 72nd IL Inf. Reg.
Killed, Siege of Vicksburg (Mississippi)
Benjamin F. Kemmerer, 1847-December 13, 1862
Descendant of Anna Krauss [E 11]
Private, Co. D, 51st PA Inf. Reg.
Killed, Battle of Fredericksburg (Virginia)
William Masters Kerrick, 1844-May 26, 1863
Descendant of Gregorius Meschter [E 43]
Private, Co. C, 77th IL Inf. Reg.
Killed, Siege of Vicksburg (Mississippi)
George A. Kriebel, 1824-December 1862
Descendant of Melchior Kriebel [E 25]
Co. I, 51st PA Inf. Reg.
Killed, Battle of Fredericksburg (Virginia)
Silas Suplee Rapp, 1841-May 10, 1862
Descendant of Anna Yeakel Wagner [E 192]
Private, Co. K, 97th PA inf. Reg.
Died of typhoid, Hilton Head Island (South Carolina)
Adam Rinewalt Judson Wesler (Wessler, Genealogical Record), 1842-July 1, 1864
Descendant of Christopher Reinwald [E 44]
Co. D, 94th OH Inf. Reg.
Died from wounds at the Battle of Kennesaw Mountain (Georgia)
Adam Wohnsitler (Wansetler, in his regimental history) d. May 11, 1864
Descendant of George Schultz [E 7]
Private, Co. K, 148th PA Inf. Reg.
Killed, Battle of Spotsylvania Court House (Virginia)
Henry Yeakel, 1831-1864 or 65
Descendant of Daniel Yeakel [E 38]
Private, Co. A, 95th PA Inf. Reg.
Died in Andersonville Prison (Georgia)