Textile Glossary
The glossary is to not only serve as a research tool, but to also draw attention to the Pennsylvania German terminology for textile related articles. It should be noted that Pennsylvania German is a dialect language, and there will be variations of spellings and usages depending on the location. This glossary provides the most commonly used spelling and lexicon for the Bucks, Lehigh and Montgomery County region of Southeastern Pennsylvania. PA German textiles shared both differences and similarities in style and construction.
Pennsylvania German textiles shared both differences and similarities in style and construction from other European immigrant textile traditions. When possible, objects are described in both English and Pennsylvania German terms if the Pennsylvania German terms could be documented from early manuscripts and references.
Note: The abbreviation (pp) references the past tense (past participle) form of the verb. Click on these acronyms following a term to see examples: MHC = examples in Mennonite Heritage Center collection SLHC = examples in Schwenkfelder Library & Heritage Center collection GH = examples in Goschenhoppen Historians collection
Textile and Fabric Terms:
All wool cloth - gans Willen Duch
Boon - Brechaagel
Broken twill weave – Gebrochene hin un wieder
Calamanaco - Calamink
Cambric - Cammertuch - SLHC
Canvas - Kannvas - SLHC
Coarse tow - grob Werken
Coarse tow cloth - grob Wercke Duch
Coarse tow stripe - grob Werken Streffen
Fine tow - fein Wercken, Feinwerken
Fine tow cloth - Feinwercken Duch
Flax – Flachs
Fustian - Berchant, Barchet
Half hemp - halb Henffen
Half tow cloth - halb Wercken Tuch, halb Wercken Duch, halb Werken
Half wool - halb Willen
Hemp cloth - Henffen Tuch
Hemp with linen in one direction and hemp in the other - Flecks Henfe
Linen cloth - Leinwand
Linsey-woolsey - halb Leine, halb Flecksen, halblein, halb Leinnen - MHC
Linsey-woolsey striped - halb Leinen Strefen, halb Lein Stiebben
Plaid or Check - dobbelstein, dobbelstee, doppelstein, dobbelstein - MHC - SLHC - GH
Plaid tow - dobelstein Werken
Sheepskin - Schaf haut, Schofhaut
Stripe - streffen, striefen, streben, streiben
Stripe cotton - streffen Bauwoll
Small checked fabric - klein gewürffelte
Tow (of the first heckling) - Bollwaerrick
Warp – Zettel
Weft - Eischlack
Woolen cloth - Woolen Duch, Wullen Duch, Wüllen Tuch
Clothing and Accessories
Boots - Stiefel, Stieffel, Stiffel, Stifflen - MHC - SLHC - GH
Buckles - Schnalle, Schnallen
Calf leather shoes - rinslederen Schuh
Cap material - Kaben Stoft
Child’s dress - kinder Frack, kinner Frack - MHC - SLHC - GH
Coif - Haube - SLHC
Girdle - Gürtle - GH
Greatcoat - grossen Rock, grosen Rock - SLHC
Handkerchief - Schnupftuch, Schnupftug, Schnubduch - MHC - SLHC - GH
Hat felt - hut filz
Leather apron - shurtz Fell, schurz Fell
Leather pants - leder Hosen
Linen breeches - leine Hossen
Long pants - langen Hossen, lange Hosen
Men’s shirt - manns Hembter, manns Hemd
Men’s shoes - manns Schu
Mittens - dobelte vaust Handschu, Vauschthensching - MHC - SLHC - GH
Overshoes - Uberschuh
Pointed shoes - spitzige Schuh
Plaid breeches - doppelsteinerne Hosen
Pocketbook - backit Buch - SLHC
Pumps - Bumbs - GH
Riding coat - reise Rock
Round toe shoes - runde Schuh
Short gown - schard Gaund, Schargaunt, Scharkaunt - SLHC - GH
Short pants, breeches - kurze Hosen - MHC
Slippers - Schlibbers, schlibers
Small bonnet - kleiner Bannet
Vest / Waistcoat - West, Weste, brust Duch, brust Laben, Brusttug, brust Tuch - MHC - SLHC - GH
Woman’s cap - Mitzel
Woman’s jacket - Leibel, Leiwel
Work coat - wammes Rock
Fabrics printed with design patterns to be embroidered - gschtaempter blacke fer ausnehe
Fancy stitches on Crazy quilt - faensie Schtich - MHC - SLHC - GH
Iron on heat transfers for embroidery - abbiggele, abgebiggelt (pp)
Long quilting thread - langer faadem, lang netli, e.g. “Mei faadem is so lang er reecht in die naekscht woch.” [“My thread is so long it reaches into next week.”], “Lang netli, faul metli.” [“Long thread, lazy girl.”]
Patchwork quilt - blacke Gwild, gschtickelter Deppich - MHC - SLHC
Quilt backing - hinne wedder, unne wedder dich
Quilt frame - Qwild frame
Quilt frame clamp - Glamm, Glamme, Qwild schrauwe
Quilt frame stand - Bock, Gwilde bock, Gwild beck
Quilt patches - Schticker
Quilt sash - Ausfilling
Quilt sashes - Schtrips
Quilting calico - schtickel Kaduh, gwild Kaduh - GH
Quilting party or gathering - Gwilding
Quilting pattern - Muschder
Quilting stitch - gwild Schtich
Rainbow quilt (four shades of four colors) - regge bogge Deppich - MHC - SLHC - GH
To air out quilts on the wash line or out the window – auslifde, lufte, geluft (pp), e.g. “Die comforts sin geluft warre.” [“The quilts were aired out.”]
To bind a quilt - iwwerschlagge, iwwergschlagge
To bind the quilt edge - beinde, gebeind (pp)
To cut quilt patches - schneide, gschnidde (pp), e.g. “Ich hab gwild blacke gschnidde.” [“I cut quilt patches.”]
To finish the quilt edge by turning the bottom fabric up to sew it (foldover back to front) - ruff same, ruff gsammt (pp)
To finish the quilt edge by turning the top fabric down and sewing it to the back (foldover top to back) - runner saaame, runner gsaamt (pp)
To knot a comforter - gnippe, gegnipd (pp) - GH
To mark a quilt for quilting - abamerricke, abgemaerrickt (pp)
To recover a worn quilt sometimes as a quilt and at other times as a knotted comforter -iwwerziehe, iwwerzohe (pp)
To roll or turn (turning under of one or more ends or sides of the quilt towards the center of the quilt as quilting progresses in the quilt frame) - Deppich drehe
To sew the quilt patches together – schtickle, gschtickelt (pp)
To thread a needle - eifeddle, eigefeddelt (pp)
To turn the quilt edge to an unquilted portion - drehe, gedreht (pp), rolle, gerollt (pp) wickle, gewickelt (pp)
Wedding quilt - hochzich Deppich - MHC
Embroidery, Sewing Equipment, Knits
Cotton yarn - baumwollig garn
Knit - Schtricke
Pin - Schpell, Schpelle, Spelle, Stecknadel
Scissors - Scheer
Sewing silk - Seyde, Seyden, Seide
Sewing thread - Netz
Stitch - Schtich
Thimble - Fingerhut
Thread in the needle - Faadem
To sew fine stitches - fei nehe, feigeneht (pp) e.g. “Sie neht mir awennich zu fei.” [“She sews a little too fine for me.”]
To thread a needle - eifeddle, eigefeddelt (pp)
Worsted yarn - gekämt wollen-garn
Household and Utilitarian Textiles
Bed curtain - Umhang
Bed rope - Bettschtrick
Chaff bag - Schprausack
Pillow - Kissi, Koppekissi
Upper bed – Bettdeck
Textile Processing Equipment
Cut reel - Godtshaschpel - MHC
Flax brake - Flachsbrech
Flax heckel - Flachshechel
Flier hooks on a spinning wheel - Dred hocken
Loom - Webschtuhl
Loom harness – Wewwergeschir
Loom shafts - Wewer scheften
Scutching board - Schwingschtock
Scutching knife - Schwingmesser
Scutching wheel - Schwingraad, Schwingmiehl
Spinning wheel (for flax) - Schpinraad - MHC
Spinning wheel flier - Fliegel
Spool rack for warping spools - Zeddelgarder
Spools - Schpulen
Temple sticks - Schpanschtab
Warping mill - Zeddelraama
Wool wheel - Wollraad